

Galvair applies special processes according to specifications of Prime Contractors

We put our experiences at disposal of the leading Aeronautical programs, such as GEnx, GE9X, PW800, PW1100, ATR, Catalyst for the civil part, or EFA and F35 for the NATO military section. Concerning the Italian production industry, the military and/or dual-use parts management (specifically referred to their only detention and transformation), is ensured by the TULPS license, art. 28.

We’re very proud of our last 10 years established collaboration with the most important national and international players of the space industry. The activities developed over the past few years with Ariane Space, Thales Alenia Space Italia and Avio S.p.A. made of Galvair a focal point in the European supply chain for the treatment of parts with a diameter until 4500 mm, like the European launchers Ariane 5, Ariane 6, Vega, or the cargo modulus Cygnus and ATV. We are currently cooperating with Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. for the control activities and elements’ treatment of the main structures for the new Axiom commercial space station. We are also involved, together to Thales Alenia Space Italia, in the new Artemis (Orion) and Lunar Gateway space exploration program (I-HAB, HALO).